If you use your laptop on the go, this can become a huge issue. But more CPU usage means more battery drain. So, take 2 minutes to tidy up your Mac with CleanMyMac X, and let’s move further.CleanMyMac is available for a free download here - this app is notarized by Apple, so no worries.Common Chrome problems on Mac (and their fixes)Mac battery draining fastChrome is known for its fast performance, which it gets by using your Mac’s CPU more than other browsers.

We like CleanMyMac X app for this purpose as it finds and cleans all redundant & conflicting files across all your folders.
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Or is your Mac gasping for free space? A clever path is to give your macOS a good cleanup, first. A quick example - the outdated system caches causing your Chrome plugins to crash. So before you deal with Chrome, make sure the problem isn’t in your macOS. Resolved issue 3370: Shut down Chrome gracefully or cookie will not be correctly saved to SQLite persistence file Resolved issue 3401: Get Element Location JS does not locate the visible center of the element Resolved issue 3462: For sendKeys, CMD key don't work for MAC Resolved issue 3541: Improve log between Client and ChromeDriver.Some fixes will be easier than others but none require advanced knowledge.If you’re ready to fix Chrome, let’s begin!Is it your Mac or Chrome that is slow?Chrome isn’t an independent entity, it’s a part of a whole Mac system. Google Chrome is a browser that combines a minimal design with sophisticated technology to make the Web faster, safer, and easier. Desktop shortcuts allow you to launch your favorite Web apps straight from your desktop. Other sites will load, and search will work in other browsers. Download Google Chrome For Mac Version 10.5.8. Download Google Chrome on your Mac to get a multi-functional web browser that’s easy to use and customize, no matter your skill level. This project is developed by members of the Chromium and WebDriver teams. All code is currently in the open source Chromium project.
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We’re going to show you how to troubleshoot and resolve common Chrome problems that make you feel like Google hates Macs.WebDriver for Chrome. Is Chrome running slow, crashing, freezing, or not even loading? Are web pages not loading anymore? Is your browser experience getting slower every day?If you’re experiencing any of those Chrome problems, you’ve come to the right place. Google Chrome 41Chrome 41 Download Mac MojaveChrome 41.0Chrome 41 Download Mac DownloadGoogle Chrome is the king of web browsers but if you’re here it’s probably because the king has gone a bit insane.