Supports several languages is the strong feature of Wiktionary. This feature enables you to find out all possible anagrams of a particular word. Then the anagram you will see as “Night”. Suppose you entered a word like “Thing” on the search bar and then pressed the lookup. “Anagrams” is another interesting feature supported by Wiktionary to know the formation of the new words by rearranging the letters a word. The search bar is enabled with the autosuggest feature.Įtymology feature allows you to see the origin of the word. You can see several synonyms, derived words, related words, anagrams, pronunciation, etymology, etc of an unknown word you entered on the search bar. Wiktionary is beyond a standard dictionary that explains all words of any language with definitions and illustrations in English. You can see many synonyms, and phrases that enhance your English usage skills. Thesaurus mode allows you to see numerous synonyms, antonyms, phrases, and related words of the unknown word. You can also listen to the audio pronunciation of the unknown word, which is the strongest feature of this dictionary that makes you spell the word correctly and fluently. There are other internal options you can find like choose the right synonym, more example sentences, learn more about the word, phrases related to the word, more definitions for the word, etc. If you search for the synonym of an unknown word on the search bar in Dictionary mode, then amazingly you can find many definitions, synonyms, and example sentences. While you typing a word on the search bar, the autosuggest feature makes you pick a related word. This online dictionary has robust features like Dictionary, Thesaurus, Games, Browse the Thesaurus, Words at play, etc that enhance your vocabulary, pronunciation, grammar. Supports over 2,75,000 synonyms, antonyms, idioms and phrases, and related words.
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