To understand this further, I recommend the following video episode I did with Dr. Nothing in a bottle, no formula or supplement, will ever be truly risk-free or be able to fully replace what only whole natural plant food is capable of providing.

The most important advice I follow and recommend to others is to, first, rely on supplements as little as possible. Over the years I have personally cycled through many brands, and as my research and awareness grew and as supplement formulas change, I have never been able to stick with one brand that I can routinely rely on.

It is therefore difficult to recommend a specific brand for any number of logistical reasons. With regards to the best brands of B12 methylcobalamin, there are hundreds, if not thousands, of supplement brands worldwide, and most vary in availability by region in the world. For more information read the following article about methylcobalamin versus cyanocobalamin use. There are certain health cases that may warrant the use of cyanocobalamin or even another form of B12 altogether, but these usually apply to people who have problems digesting or assimilating vitamin B12 or suffer from serious deficiencies of it. Methylcobalamin is the natural and active form of this vitamin, whereas cyanocobalamin is synthetic, it does not exist in nature and is chemically-derived, and much cheaper to produce, which is mainly why most vitamin B12 supplements contain it. Yes, I definitely recommend to go with the methylcobalamin form of B12 over the cyanocobalamin form for most people’s common usage of this supplement. What I am not sure about is what brand to choose and what B12 supplement form is more effective, pill or liquid? I want to take B12 supplements and I understand that Methylcobalamin is a better choice when compared to Cyanocobalamin, since the body doesn’t have to convert to be useable and this form already exists in nature.